Cosmetic Dermatology

Brooklyn Dermatology’s philosophy is natural results with an honest & minimalist approach. Our goal is for you to look like yourself but rested and refreshed.

Botox neuromodulator injection in Greenpoint, Williamsburg, LIC Brooklyn
  • Injectable neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport, Jeaveau), safely relax overactive muscles that create wrinkles allowing for smoother skin with less lines. This treatment works for forehead lines, “11 lines” between the eyebrows, crows’ feet, “bunny lines” of the nose and a gummy smile, among others. Neuromodulators can be used preventatively in small doses to help prevent lines from forming as well. They can also be used to reduce excess sweating on the underarm areas.

  • Whatever your concern may be - dull tone and texture, hyperpigmentation, redness - or if you are just looking for a preventative approach, Dr. Kapoor will customize a regimen that helps to correct, prevent and maintain your skin health. Dr. Kapoor is a minimalist and will distill your regimen to the most effective, transformative products.

Serum for chemical peel applied to hand acne brooklyn dermatologist
  • All of our peels are medical-grade and performed by Dr. Kapoor. Based on the concern - be it acne, discoloration, or improving skin tone and texture - we customize chemical peel ingredients to safely optimize results.

women of different skin tones ethnic skin
  • Microneedling aka collagen induction therapy is a minimally-invasive treatment that is safe in all skin types. Microneedling creates controlled microscopic columns of injury to the skin that triggers a healing response, leading to production of collagen and elastin. It has been shown to effectively reduce fine lines and wrinkles and improve discoloration while tightening the skin. It can also help improve the appearance of pores, scars, and stretch marks.

  • PRP - a 100% natural treatment - is often called “liquid” gold. It is plasma from your own blood that is full of platelets and growth factors. PRP injections into the scalp can stimulate new hair growth and are effective for treating hair loss. PRP can also be microneedled into the skin to improve skin texture, pores, fine lines and scars through its collagen remodeling ability.

  • If benign growths such as skin tags, seborrheic keratoses, cherry angiomas, dermatosis papulosa nigra, sebaceous hyperplasia or milia are bothersome, Dr. Kapoor can remove them with different removal techniques (cryosurgery, electrocautery or surgical removal).

  • Clear + Brilliant laser, popularly known as the “mini Fraxel”, is a non-invasive fractional treatment that creates microscopic treatment zones in the upper layers of the skin, replacing damaged skin with new, healthy-looking tissue, revealing a radiant “glow”. The Original 1440 nm wavelength is useful in addressing fine lines and dull skin tone and the Permea 1927 nm wavelength is effective in treating pigmentation issues, allowing for a comprehensive treatment.

    Clear and Brilliant can:

    • Reduce signs of aging like fine lines

    • Reduce pore size

    • Improve skin texture and tone

    • Improved complexion luminosity & radiancy

    • Improve the appearance of melasma, brown spots & pigment

    • Increase collagen production

Dermal Filler Restylane Juvederm
  • Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers (ie Juvederm or Restylane) can be injected into the dermal layers to restore volume and reduce signs of aging. Areas that can be treated include the lateral and mid cheek, nasolabial folds (smile lines), marionette lines, early jowls and lips.